Thursday, March 20, 2008

so the truth is known.

Why we live. The days. The nights. The longer days. Second year for “advanced daylight savings time” here in the mid-west-USA. It is really weird daylight still @ 8 PM in a cool if not cold March. Riding the night is grand, but riding the long sunny days is so sweet. The blending of the two as the sun comes up or as it hits the horizon hours later is reason for a toast. The spring is here. I don the helmet, I mount my steed and with the sun raining on me at a mere 33 degrees at 5 PM I ride nice subtle pace, smiling and waving at all the passersby wheeled or walking, thinking of how simultaneously stoked, lucky and grateful I am to be riding any bike on a Sunday afternoon for as long as I want…until the MP3 batteries go dead, until the sun hits the horizon, I think. I think I’ll do it again tomorrow. Why we live. So the truth is known as we embark upon new endeavors.

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