Sunday, May 24, 2009

insert non sequitur.

Keeping it real for those out of state, mind or head. What is really Detroit Tiger Stadium.

On Wednesday I walked down stairs into the basement of my condo here in the mid-west. I found something I lost. It was sort of déjà vous.

Roughly French for "again you", deja vous is the experience of thinking that one has been oneself before, perhaps in a past life, or in this same one, but several days ago. Extremely self-aware people are often unable to avoid experiencing deja vous throughout every minute of their waking lives. (and fuck, I know how that feels.)

Insert non sequitur

Self aware, something my ex-girlfriend is not. The woman below however is not the ex-girlfriend and is self aware...and she is super cute.

What I found was a weird looking bike with curly handlebars. The name read Trek, the model Madone. It is the flagship of road bikes. It is handmade in Waterloo, WI, USA....and there was a twin, apparently I have two of them, an old one (pre-2008), and a new one (post-2008).

I love to ride it. As a matter of fact I swap them every other day now, mountain bike, road bike, mountain bike, road bike. While my house is empty with no significant other, I have found another love, a lost love and as a matter of fact I have 8 of them. They call hang heel to tow from the rafters. They never sleep in, they never leave dirty dishes, they toil from sun up to sun down, they communicate what they are feeling, and they rarely let me down. They are my bikes. They read Trek. They read Fisher. Peroid.

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