Friday, May 30, 2008

b2 work week success.

Strolling through downtown Ann Arbor at 8:00 AM there is a mass of bike riders two weeks ago (that would be bicycle fool) outside of city hall. Embarrassed as I was for driving my car on such a celebration, I had to see what it was all about. There it was, local bike shops and owners and tons of commuters to celebrate bike to work week / curb your car Fridays. When you are race bikes sometimes all you think about is training and racing and miss the simple things no matter how in touch you are. I ride a lot, but riding to get groceries, to the Post Office or for coffee is such a concept in reducing the carbon footprint and making the world a better place…well I bought a bike trailer for such activities. Mayor (Ann Arbor) Hieftje spoke at this Bike to Work Day Rally and personally promised me that he will overturn a city ordinance that prohibits bike cabs in Ann Arbor. Ann Arbor Latin for Tree City prides itself on being “green” does not allow bike cabs, however it did feel good to hear him compare Ann Arbor to Madison, WI and Boulder, CO. Look for a bike cab on the streets of Ann Arbor in the future. Give a shout if you want to get paid for exercise and while meeting fabulous folk and freaks alike at night pedaling around. Check out riding to work and other bike activities in your neighborhood, it will change your physique and maybe your life.


Welcome said...

i visited to ur nice blog.
i got a verious of knowledge for me.
a lot of thanks.
be happy to....
welcome u and visit to my blogs

Quiring MTB Team said...

lame blogging

Bluerodent said...

I miss being able to ride to work! Now that I drive from Ann Arbor to Livonia, and drive some for work, a car is the only way. But I can still ride for errands around home. Getting over the initial hurdle of riding for transportation is the hardest part; once I got used to it I began to dislike having to start my car...crazy!